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Home 2025 Driver Licences

2025 Driver Licences

In consideration for being permitted to participate in motor sport activities I declare as follows:


*       That  I have read and understand the Rules and Regulations and I agree to be bound by them in every respect.  Not to cause, or be part of, or in any way be involved with any action which would or could disrupt a race meeting and/or the facilities.


*       Drivers are reminded that it is a recommendation of the Oval Racing Council, that the first consideration of ORCi licenced drivers is to race with their own promotion.


*       I further declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in motor sport activities and I am competent to do so.  I confirm that I understand the nature and type of events/practice and the risk inherent with the sport and agree to accept the same notwithstanding that such risks may involve negligence on the part of the organisers, the landowners and/or officials .


*       I undertake to inform the organisers immediately should any change in my condition which I have reason to or ought to have reason to believe would affect my ability to continue to participate in motor sport activities.


*       That my vehicle complies with the regulations as required and further that it is safe and in a fit and proper condition for use in motor sports.


*       I understand and agree that I am required to register my arrival by signing on at the event/race control office or other designated area, prior to commencement of said competitors practice or first competition.   


*       As a participant I may be exposed to risk inherent in motor sport and that I am prepared to take such risks. I hereby give the organiser the right to use my name or my racing number for the purposes of advertising or publicity as they see fit.


*       I further agree that I shall not seek to claim against the organiser, their organisers, servants or agents, officials, the landowner and their legal representatives, the promoter or any other bodies or individuals connected with the events in respect of any damages to my property, irrespective of how the damage is caused, and if caused by the negligence or breach of statutory duty of the said bodies and persons.


These detail are strictly confidential.

I hereby agree that I do not suffer from any of the following:


          a)           Epilepsy or sudden attacks of disabling giddiness


          b)           Any defect in movement or muscular power


          c)           False or missing limbs 


          d)           Any disease, medical condition mental or physical, or disability which may cause the driving by
               you in a competition race or practice event to be a source of danger to yourself or others


I certify that the above facts are true to the best of my belief and there is no known medical reason that would debar me from participating in any motor sport events.  A DOCTORS LETTER MAYBE REQUIRED, prior to a racing licence being considered.


  • Autospeed 2025 Driver Licence
    Autospeed 2025 Driver Licence
    + £2.00 booking fee

    Discounted to £70 Until 31st December 2024, Then £85 1 year membership; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern

    + £2.00 booking fee

    Discounted to £70 Until 31st December 2024, Then £85 1 year membership; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern

2025 Driver Licences

In consideration for being permitted to participate in motor sport activities I declare as follows:


*       That  I have read and understand the Rules and Regulations and I agree to be bound by them in every respect.  Not to cause, or be part of, or in any way be involved with any action which would or could disrupt a race meeting and/or the facilities.


*       Drivers are reminded that it is a recommendation of the Oval Racing Council, that the first consideration of ORCi licenced drivers is to race with their own promotion.


*       I further declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in motor sport activities and I am competent to do so.  I confirm that I understand the nature and type of events/practice and the risk inherent with the sport and agree to accept the same notwithstanding that such risks may involve negligence on the part of the organisers, the landowners and/or officials .


*       I undertake to inform the organisers immediately should any change in my condition which I have reason to or ought to have reason to believe would affect my ability to continue to participate in motor sport activities.


*       That my vehicle complies with the regulations as required and further that it is safe and in a fit and proper condition for use in motor sports.


*       I understand and agree that I am required to register my arrival by signing on at the event/race control office or other designated area, prior to commencement of said competitors practice or first competition.   


*       As a participant I may be exposed to risk inherent in motor sport and that I am prepared to take such risks. I hereby give the organiser the right to use my name or my racing number for the purposes of advertising or publicity as they see fit.


*       I further agree that I shall not seek to claim against the organiser, their organisers, servants or agents, officials, the landowner and their legal representatives, the promoter or any other bodies or individuals connected with the events in respect of any damages to my property, irrespective of how the damage is caused, and if caused by the negligence or breach of statutory duty of the said bodies and persons.


These detail are strictly confidential.

I hereby agree that I do not suffer from any of the following:


          a)           Epilepsy or sudden attacks of disabling giddiness


          b)           Any defect in movement or muscular power


          c)           False or missing limbs 


          d)           Any disease, medical condition mental or physical, or disability which may cause the driving by
               you in a competition race or practice event to be a source of danger to yourself or others


I certify that the above facts are true to the best of my belief and there is no known medical reason that would debar me from participating in any motor sport events.  A DOCTORS LETTER MAYBE REQUIRED, prior to a racing licence being considered.

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